In response to the current crisis, Israeli tech companies are uniting to support those affected by hostile actions this last Saturday. In collaboration with the "One Heart" association, we have established a volunteer and fundraising initiative led by Fiverr and HiBob.
“We are moved to announce that on the very first days of the initiative, we managed to raise over a million dollars. We express our gratitude to all those who promptly joined and contributed, and we invite you to join as well. It's time to fight for our home!"
Ofer Katz, Ronni Zehavi, Micha Kaufman

As part of the association's activities, seven active commands have already been formed, operating throughout Israel and in New York.
Our dedicated volunteers work around the clock to provide assistance including the supply of essential equipment and provisions, offering companionship and support to the families whose dearest have fallen or are missing, visiting the wounded in hospitals and helping those who have been relocated to find shelter.

We call on you to stand by us,
join us in this endeavor
and support the people of Israel.
Together, we can make a meaningful difference!
We will be sending ongoing updates of our operations and the impact we are making.
For more information, please contact Libby at HamalTech@einprat.org
Bank details for direct donations:
IBAN IL750204580000000450750
Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank
Givat Shaul Branch - 458
Account Number: 450750
Account Name: Derech Prat Academy for Leadership
* Please add a comment - “for Hamal Tech Operation”
* Donations are recognized under Article 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance in Israel
Wire instructions for tax deductible donations - US 501 C (3)
To ensure that the funds transferred are tax deductible under US 501 C(3),
we are using a third party partner (PEF Israel Endowment Funds Inc Israel).
Please follow the below two steps:
Send an email to Heli Thrap (heli@pefisrael.org), that includes the following information:
Your name and address
Date and donation amount
Your recommendation for the use of the funds (“for Hamal Tech Operation”), name and number of Charity: (Ein Prat: the academy for leadership. Number 58-0374643)
Indication that you wish to receive a US 501 C3
You will receive back, by email, all information needed for wire instructions. Please follow the instructions provided, and send a copy of bank transfer confirmation to HamalTech@einprat.org